Saturday, May 9, 2020

The melodic beauty of my Appalachian spring

Dear Readers, The Dirt Diaries was selected to be featured in The Ultimate Landscaping Inspiration Guide! I am very honored to be included. It is an excellent guide full of gardening inspiration and ideas. Please stop by and take a look.

Solomon's Seal is a native that blooms in April and May

The ballet score Appalachian Spring won the Pulitzer Prize for Music in 1945 and remains one of the most inspiring works in American history.

But composer Aaron Copeland didn’t have mountains or forests in mind when he started working on the orchestral suite in 1942.

He initially called the score “Ballet for Martha” for the ballet’s choreographer and lead dancer, Martha Graham.

Graham suggested the name the day before the ballet premiered.

Copeland once said “I gave voice to that region without knowing I was giving voice to it.”

And he was often told he’d brilliantly captured the beauty of the Appalachians in his music.

As far as I am concerned, it doesn’t matter that this region wasn’t the inspiration for his masterpiece. 

Every time I hear Appalachian Spring I envision the beauty of the mountains. Especially this time of year.

Diverse and dramatic

The mountains that surround me make up one of the most biologically diverse areas of the world with more than 1,600 flowering plants.

For me, visions of violets begin the season of rebirth. The Halberd-leaf Yellow Violet is usually the first flower I see.

Halberd-leaf Violet
Apparently the arrowhead leaves are reminiscent of a battle-ax type weapon used in the 15th and 16th centuries. I’ll have to take the historians at their word.

The humble violet has been celebrated in myths and literature from ancient times, a symbol of modesty and simplicity. Longfellow wrote that it “lurks among all the lovely children of the shade.”

Shakespeare described the violet as “forward” as it trumpets the awakening of the earth following winter. He also writes the violet is “sweet, not lasting. The perfume and suppliance of a minute; No more.”

Confederate Violet

So we should gather our halberd-leaf yellow violets while we may. Along with the other violets that grow along my trail including Confederate, Common Blue. Pale and several other varieties.

Trillium heaven

A couple of years ago according to folks in the know, a very warm winter caused many wildflowers to go into a tizzy.

Apparently many species flowered up to three weeks early and because of the warmth, the bloom period was very short. Trilliums also appeared early and were quickly devoured by hungry deer.

At that time I was new to the mountains, so I didn’t know what I was missing. Now I do and eagerly anticipate the gorgeous, distinctive blooms.

Catesby's Trillium (maybe)

Trilliums are members of the Lily family and are among the showiest of springtime wildflowers. The local natives sport three distinctive leaves and when they bloom, the flowers have three petals.

American Indians used the plant as an eye medication and women boiled the roots to make a love potion. Mountain folk say if you pick a trillium you will bring on a rainstorm.

Stinking Benjamin
Wake Robin, favorite from last year, is back with its deep burgundy blooms. Apparently that is the “nice” name because I’ve learned it is also known as Stinking Benjamin or Stinking Willie because of the putrid smelling flower. Early herbalists use it to treat gangrene.

A number of Painted Trilliums are growing down by the path. It was a happy surprise because I didn’t see any last year. I’m delighted to have them because experts say they have been virtually bulldozed or picked into extinction.

The white and pink trilliums nearby are beautiful,too. But I’ve become partial to the Painteds.

Every time I see one, I hear music.

Painted Trillium


The Principal Undergardener said...

A delightful commentary on the most unusual spring any of us have ever seen. Gorgeous photos! P.S.: you don't post nearly often enough!

Sunil Patel said...

Hello Lynn, trilliums really appeal to me with their geometrical strictness, rarity and mythology. I'm hoping I might be able to have some in the garden one day. In the meantime, I'l enjoy the photos of yours.

Anonymous said...

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FreshNews said...


FreshNews said...

Wow Great! The photo is very gorgeous and then when I saw those lovely flowers suddenly a classical music came into my mind with a very relaxing harmony. I love this one. Great Job!
~ Manhattan Oil Change and Auto Repair Services

Lawrence McLean said...

Woah Incredible! those flowers are very attractive, they got my attention. I love this post. Thank You for sharing this. Congrats for having a great job! Cheers!..
~ Central Park Bathtub Refinishing & Reglazing

Central Park Bathtub Refinishing & Reglazing said...

Woooah Incredible! those flowers are very attractive, they got my attention. I love this post. You really deserve to be posted here. Congrats for having a great job! Cheers!..
~ Central Park Bathtub Refinishing & Reglazing

ManhattanDoggyGroomRoom said...
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ManhattanDoggyGroomRoom said...

Flowers are the best that it can change a persons emotion/vibe, from bad to good! Lol
~ Manhattan Doggy Groom & Room

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